This is the strangest thing.Three times today I have tried to log into blogger. I get a 404 from blogger, and then my instant mesenger goes out. My entire internet is gone for about 30 seconds, and then it's up and running.Just thought I'd share the weirdness.
9/1/2005 12:02:14 PM
this is where i'd bust out ethereal.
9/1/2005 12:08:30 PM
Don't log into blogger?
9/1/2005 12:58:17 PM
Seriously, this is still happening.It's crazy.
10/2/2005 12:34:34 PM
Oh no your blogs down!
10/2/2005 3:39:32 PM
their system got haxored and icmp flood's any ip that requests the site.i dunno, just a guess but yeah, ethereal.
10/2/2005 3:47:12 PM
livejournal wins
10/2/2005 4:21:40 PM
fuck livejournalp.s., blogger is working for me
10/2/2005 5:22:45 PM
Can anybody just explain what could cause this? It's ka-razy.
10/16/2005 1:36:03 PM
ATTN: Bloggers - no one cares about your life
10/16/2005 4:31:21 PM
10/16/2005 11:27:31 PM
^^ you obviously don't knwo what a blog actually is
10/16/2005 11:42:14 PM
well Mark Cuban for one isn't happy at all with Blogger/Google right now....
10/17/2005 4:45:18 AM