jayduck All American 694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Halo for Summer 2007
I know there are a lot of Halo game fans out there, and so this latest piece of news on the movie adaptation deserves a little individual airplay. Coming Soon bring us news of the release date:
Variety reports that 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures have closed their deal to make a movie based on Microsoft's hit videogame Halo, with plans for a tentpole release in the summer of 2007. The two studios will pay Microsoft $5 million against 10% of the gross. Well I think Microsoft came out okay on that deal then! They go onto say that Microsoft have approved the Alex Garland script and that he is now rewriting with the studio notes.
There's a few videogame adaptations that are, very slowly, beginning to raise their own bar. Every so slightly, but I think it's starting to get better and the Studios are really starting to turn the spotlight onto these movies. They know they can make money, Boll has shown that without any regard for the medium so imagine if they paid it some care and attention?
This could be the first actual landmark videogame adaptation, it has a huge plot, not just a one trick pony, and the rough script for a couple of movies is already there. Doom is already looking weak. " |
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 7:45 AM. Reason : .] 8/23/2005 7:44:24 AM
pablo_price All American 5628 Posts user info edit post |
it's gonna be shitty, don't kid yourself. even movies based on good games are crap 8/23/2005 8:31:09 AM
ZeroDegrez All American 3897 Posts user info edit post |
Starship troopers ripoff.
Quote : | "This could be the first actual landmark videogame adaptation, it has a huge plot, not just a one trick pony, and the rough script for a couple of movies is already there. Doom is already looking weak." |
Yes, because Halo has this amazing storyline so much more complex than say, streetfighter, tomb raider, final fantasy, or mortal kombat.
When one game is your only cash-cow, you gota milk it for as many sequals as you can, which means you gota re-invent the story each time.
Tell you the truth, I'm looking more forward to doom, hitman, and FF VII advent children.
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 9:03 AM. Reason : so there] 8/23/2005 8:55:42 AM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "even movies based on good games are crap" |
Because we all know that Halo wasn't a good game.  8/23/2005 9:12:25 AM
Shaggy All American 17820 Posts user info edit post |
halo 1 was pretty terrible
altho i guess it was ok for a console fps. 8/23/2005 9:17:19 AM
SandSanta All American 22435 Posts user info edit post |
It was fantastic for a console FPS.
But the minute it got ported to PC it became the liquid feces of a rabid monkey.
Which doesn't say much for console FPS. 8/23/2005 9:59:50 AM
CapnObvious All American 5057 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "This could be the first actual landmark videogame adaptation, it has a huge plot, not just a one trick pony" |
Oh, so they already changed a whole lot from the game to the movie. 8/23/2005 11:55:24 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
my other guitarist actually just finished recording guitars for a song in nashville that might end up in the movie. if the song makes it ill go see it. otherwise i didnt like either of the games so i wont be goin 8/23/2005 12:04:53 PM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "...the minute it got ported to PC it became the liquid feces of a rabid monkey." |
Why's that? 8/23/2005 12:07:29 PM
BEU All American 12512 Posts user info edit post |
Interesting 8/23/2005 12:38:33 PM
nrmiller All American 5314 Posts user info edit post |
this is a fucking terrible idea 8/23/2005 12:48:05 PM
MetalRed All American 27124 Posts user info edit post |
Resident Evil is the only video game to have been successfully adapted to film. But given that its a zombie movie, it worked well on its own.
At best, i think Halo would turn out like Starship Troopers (which would atleast entertain me once or twice)
At worst, well...just remember Wing Commander 8/23/2005 12:51:26 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
heh i've said it before
they're gonna save a lot of money on sets by having the actor run down a hall into one set and then run back down the same hall the other way
thats all that fucking game is
leave a and go to b kill a lot of shit at b return to a as quick as possible 8/23/2005 1:09:18 PM
wolfpuppy04 All American 830 Posts user info edit post |
so this probably means Halo 3 is slated for a 2007 release. Despite what Bill claimed. 8/23/2005 1:11:19 PM
nrmiller All American 5314 Posts user info edit post |
no, Halo 3 is July '06 8/23/2005 1:19:52 PM
J_Hova All American 30986 Posts user info edit post |
a game with a shitty story cant possibly translate into a good movie
hell a game with a GREAT story usually dosent 8/23/2005 1:20:05 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
like the game story is gonna be the actual movie story
for all we know master chief will wind up fighting demons on mars  8/23/2005 1:34:37 PM
Wraith All American 27293 Posts user info edit post |
I'm still waiting to hear something about Metroid.
Thanks, ZeroDegrez, I wasn't aware of a Hitman movie in production, I will have to look into that. Any ideas as to who is playing Agent 47? I always thought Jason Statham would do a good job.
Nevermind. I am extremely disappointed. After checking imdb I have found out that Vin Diesel has been cast. Once again, Hollywood fucks up everything.
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 1:39 PM. Reason : ] 8/23/2005 1:37:54 PM
J_Hova All American 30986 Posts user info edit post |
word is its Vin Diesel
still excited about the movie?  8/23/2005 1:39:24 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
but com'on he was in THE PACIFIER! 8/23/2005 1:50:12 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "no, Halo 3 is July '06" |
I read somewhere yesterday that Halo 3 will be released whenever they release the PS3. Might be total BS but I still laughed a little. 8/23/2005 1:57:48 PM
wolfpuppy04 All American 830 Posts user info edit post |
In the TIMES article with 360 on the cover, Bill Gates says he 'imagines' a day when people walk into a store to buy PlayStation3 only to find Halo 3 right there. J Allard, head of Xbox division, replied to this stating that Bungie will release Halo 3 when they're done with it (as they did with Halo 2). Considering we havent seen ANY footage nor has the game even been officially announced, it's impossible for Bungie to release the game in less than a year.
My guess is that Microsoft is actually going to use the Halo movie to their benefit (gasp) and use it as an advertising strategy to build hype for a co-launch with Halo 3 in 2007.
The playstation 3, sources say, could be released as early as spring 2006. But what that actually means is that it will release in Japan in the spring and then release in Fall in the U.S. (as Sony and all Japanese companies do). By the time PS3 released in the U.S., there will be a great deal of hype for Halo 3 (specifically from E3 06) and will still steal some sales from PS3 since it will release in mid 2007 which is only about 6 months after PS3 launch. 8/23/2005 2:12:25 PM
Locutus Zero All American 13575 Posts user info edit post |
Vin Diesel is playing in Doom AND Hitman? 8/23/2005 2:12:50 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
^^I wouldn't say that it's impossible for them to release it in a year but I would agree that it's highly unlikely given the history that Bungie has.
My question would be would it really be that big of a deal? One game verses one CONSOLE plus ~30 new games?
Is there really someone that wants both but can only get one? Or rather would have gotten one if the other didn't come out on the same day?
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 2:17 PM. Reason : ?] 8/23/2005 2:14:57 PM
J_Hova All American 30986 Posts user info edit post |
^^ The Rock is Sarge in doom 8/23/2005 2:24:44 PM
Locutus Zero All American 13575 Posts user info edit post |
oh, right
... same guy 8/23/2005 2:25:25 PM
J_Hova All American 30986 Posts user info edit post |
give rock credit, i havent seen him and a movie and been like "this is fucking unwatchable"
while Vin Diesels range of acting goes from groaning and shooting to this piece of cinematic exellence:
Quote : | "That's my dad. He was coming up in the pro-stock circuit. Last race of the season, he was coming into the final turn when a driver named Kenny Linder tapped his bumper and put him into the wall at a hundred and twenty miles an hour. I watched my father burn to death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said my father died long before the tanks blew. They said it was me that was screaming.
I saw Linder about a week later. I had the wrench in my hand... and I hit him! And I didn't mean to keep hitting him, but by the time I was done, I couldn't lift my arm. He's a janitor at an elementary school. He has to take the bus to work... and they banned me from the tracks for life. " |
oh the delivery of that shit was fuckin priceless
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 2:31 PM. Reason : .]
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 2:34 PM. Reason : ] 8/23/2005 2:29:22 PM
nrmiller All American 5314 Posts user info edit post |
the goal is to release it a year from now, at least that's what EB was told 8/23/2005 3:08:45 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
they should do like the tony hawk games did
and have like a special mode, maybe you unlock it after you beat the game on uber or something
where you can play all the old boards i'd love to play that one board with dual wield and onlin, the one with the walk way on top, and only one sniper rifle and all the little whatevers
jeez thats vague 8/23/2005 3:16:26 PM
LudaChris All American 7946 Posts user info edit post |
Well you have to remember that it's not going to be completely a game adaptation, there are a series of books that have been released with these games that is very in depth. I personally haven't read them but the people I know who have said it was a good story and it really explains a lot of the back-story to Master Chief and the time between the first game and the second.
The movie could be VERY good, it has a long story-line, I mean it won't be based on one game, I think there are 2-3 books, 2 games, and the third game will build off where the second one left off, I mean there could be a lot more story to it because the second game had an abrupt ending that left a lot to be answered.
I've heard mention of Christian Bale as a possible candidate for Master Chief, but we don't even know if we'll ever see his face. I just want to know how they're going to do the covenant and flood in this game, if it's all CGI it could be really terrible, but with the money backing this movie, I don't imagine then going cheap anywhere in it. 8/23/2005 3:50:37 PM
wolfpuppy04 All American 830 Posts user info edit post |
^^ prisoner?  8/23/2005 4:39:02 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
THAT WAS MY BOARD 8/23/2005 4:39:51 PM
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit post |
It would be funny if instead of making an action movie, they made a mind fuck movie like 2001.
Bungie.net has a long write up. Apparently the game makers actually will have a hand in the movie. That could be not good.
[Edited on August 23, 2005 at 6:53 PM. Reason : dsf] 8/23/2005 6:47:05 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
shit if halo 3 comes out for ps2 whats the fucking point of getting a new xbox? 8/23/2005 7:26:48 PM
nrmiller All American 5314 Posts user info edit post |
^that is not happening 8/23/2005 8:02:43 PM
LudaChris All American 7946 Posts user info edit post |
^^The goal is to release Halo 3 the same DAY as the PS3 as to keep people who get the 360 from buying both systems and instead buying Halo 3 instead(prolly $60-$80).
I really don't see many people buying both systems(I mean you're looking at dropping over $800 for two systems) when they first come out. 8/23/2005 8:57:13 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
At least they're spreading them out a bit. I've already got my 360 fully paid for so I'm sure I'll pick up a PS3 next year when they come out. It's not like they're dropping 3 days apart like they did with the Xbox and the Gamecube. Now that was an expensive week for me. 8/24/2005 12:26:39 AM
pablo_price All American 5628 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but we don't even know if we'll ever see his face." |
if they cast anyone with a name, that helmet is coming off.
[Edited on August 24, 2005 at 12:41 AM. Reason : unless maybe they do the whole thing cgi]
[Edited on August 24, 2005 at 12:42 AM. Reason : and then release it straight-to-dvd, that seems like a better idea] 8/24/2005 12:40:49 AM
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit post |
I heard Master Chief will be played by Ashton Kutcher
and instead of noob comboing people, he just punks them the whole movie 8/24/2005 11:10:08 AM
0 Suspended 3198 Posts user info edit post |
LET'S HOPE UWE BOLL DIRECTS 8/24/2005 11:26:53 AM
pablo_price All American 5628 Posts user info edit post |
lets get john woo for the sequel - he knows how to capture the essence of dual weilding
[Edited on August 24, 2005 at 12:08 PM. Reason : doves, nigga, doves] 8/24/2005 12:08:25 PM
jayduck All American 694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Halo creators speak on movie Want some information on the reasons why Bungie went for the deal they did, hiring their own script writer and taking it to Hollywood? Seems like it wasn't always that way.
Back then the plan was to license the Halo universe lock, stock and barrel with no guaranteed Bungie collaboration.... but Hollywood has its own way of doing things. In the case of video-game properties that way is usually "throw me the idol, I'll throw you the whip" – an all-or-nothing proposition in which game-developers accept a whack of cash in exchange for a "we know how to make movies, you don't" assurance of quality. Over at Bungie they're talking about the history of how they got to where they are, and some talk of the new script.
How did that draft turn out? Let me put it this way: I wrote the script for both Halo games, but as Alex's interpretation rumbled from one climax to the next I found myself wondering (sometimes aloud): "Damn! How's the Chief gonna fight his way outta this?!" Only to follow-up a few pages later with: "Oh man, I can't wait to see that on screen!" Good stuff. And it kept getting better with each successive draft. It includes a couple of quotes from Garland himself, and a lot of reassurances that they are worrying over the script and movie adaptation but for the right reasons. They want to retain control to make sure it's done right, and not like many of the other videogame adaptations. Not wrong like this three panel comic that shows what they really don't want!
They give two reasons why this is going to work out well...
First, our community team...assembled an exhaustive "companion" that will accompany the script during the film's production...to inspire and inform the filmmakers as well as serve as a point-of-reference for all parties in the event of creative disagreements...Here's one of the companion's reference pages. Imagine this level of specificity for every character, weapon, vehicle, environment - you name it - in the known Halo universe. That's a lot of inspirational and argument-settling goodness. Second, over the next month or so Peter Schlessel (who's signed on as Producer), Parsons and I will be meeting with potential directors, and picking the best person for the job. I recently saw a list of "available and interested" candidates, and trust me: it's an embarrassment of riches.
Definitely sounds interesting, read the whole story over at the Bungie news page through dtheatre.
How do you fans feel now? " |
8/25/2005 7:08:44 AM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Yes, because Halo has this amazing storyline so much more complex than say, streetfighter, tomb raider, final fantasy, or mortal kombat.
When one game is your only cash-cow, you gota milk it for as many sequals as you can, which means you gota re-invent the story each time.
Tell you the truth, I'm looking more forward to doom, hitman, and FF VII advent children." |
I LOLed at that post. Apparently whoever posted that didn't know video games existed before Doom. Doom's had more sequels than halo and its still the same crap just prettier. Gateway to hell opens, all hell breaks lose, shoot stuff from hell. How exciting of a movie that can make. 8/25/2005 1:58:28 PM
kiljadn All American 44691 Posts user info edit post |
Will this Halo movie have a grossly overpowered pistol that allows the Master Chief to shoot villainous aliens from across the planet? 8/25/2005 10:59:38 PM