up posts
8/12/2005 8:25:24 PM
1) don't be a doucheif you can't do that, 2) go premium.
8/12/2005 8:55:08 PM
8/13/2005 8:09:12 PM
omg, i had no idea you could do that.
8/13/2005 11:36:28 PM
[turns off comp, turns it back on again]
8/14/2005 3:40:37 AM
8/14/2005 11:41:42 AM
1. you're not a mod2. you're not a mod, you fat fucking sow3. stop being pretentious, fatty
8/14/2005 2:41:02 PM
I don't like scrumples, but yeah, he's rightdon't edit shit you didn't postif it is your thread, kill it
8/16/2005 12:11:49 AM
i don't get it, what got edited?
8/16/2005 1:26:57 AM
MrsCrumples made a post and hambrosia decided to change and edit it
8/16/2005 1:58:14 AM
she's fat
8/16/2005 11:56:51 AM