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All American
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I have 2 wireless routers (linksys WRT54G and dlink DI-524) that I would like connect. I had heard with the newest linksys firmware this was possible, but have not been able to find how.

Currently the 54g is setup as my router, and I would like to use the dlink in my basemet to allow a wired connection in my basement (for xbox, tivo etc).

Is this possible? Is that what linksys "advanced dynamic routing" feature is for?

8/8/2005 9:48:14 AM

All American
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If you can figure this out then awesome. I had the same question a while back and the verdict was that it couldn't be done, but if a new firmware can change things then this is some good news.

8/8/2005 12:20:28 PM

All American
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Think I may have a soloution. d/l newest firmware from sevasoft.

Then you can setup one of the routers (the one in my basement in this case) as a "client-bridged mode". This will act as a wireless access pt (no other wireless devices will be able to connect to this router). Then you can plug cat5 into this access pt.

I am at work, I will test within the next few days and post back if it worked, and wtf i had to do to get it to work.

If wondering why the hell you'd wanna do this in the 1st place - I have a router, and my GF has one, so trying to save money if i already have 2 routers.

oh yea forgot to mention. If you need the 2nd router to also broadcast (ex: for extending range) you need to setup a WDS. Also included in sevasoft's firmware. Is much more complicated and you also get about 50% less perf. from the 2nd router.

[Edited on August 8, 2005 at 2:25 PM. Reason : wds]

8/8/2005 2:22:55 PM

All American
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ok got it - been working for like a week. Its some pimp shit. Only drawback is the router that is the bridge must be a linksys WRT54x router cuz you will need to flash it with some opensource firmware. What you will end up doing is making the linksys a "client bridge". The wireless bridge runs DHCP and you connect as many wired devices as you have ports. The client bridge however does not broadcast a wireless signal - so it does not extend range.

Ok now to the toutorial - I did not write this, found it on another messageboard. I should be able to answer questions tho if anyone has em.
This howto is intended to help people who currently use a wireless router in their house, and also have additional PCs or devices without wifi cards which cannot be connected to the wireless router using a cable because they're too far from it (like in another room).

This howto will explain how to use the wrt54g a to connect these remote PCs to the internet and your home network, without using wifi cards. This is possible using 3rd party firmware (sveasoft) which allows the wrt54g to operate in "client" mode, where it forwards packets from its connected devices to the main wireless router, using a wireless link.

I got my wrt54g running in client mode - that is, it serves as a bridge between a PC attached to it and the main wireless router. Here's my complete setup, starting with the wired connections (markeded by "<===>"):

Room 1: Cable Modem <===> D-Link DI-624 Wireless Router <===> PC-1
Room 2: WRT54G <===> PC-2

The DI-624 and the WRT54G connect to each other wirelessly. I also have a mobile laptop which connects wirelessly to the DI-624.
So in this case, the WRT54G let me use PC-2 without having a wifi card in that PC. In fact, I could connect up to 4 PCs to the wrt54g, and save the price of 4 wifi-54g pci cards, plus I don't have to install drivers for wifi cards (a pain in Linux). The wrt54g acts like a "wireless ethernet bridge", which in fact is another product sold by linksys (WET54G) for around $150. This is also useful when you have devices (in a room which doesn't have ethernet connections) which can only connect using a ethernet cable, but cannot connect wirelessly - like XBOX !

So how do you do it ? Here's the list of steps - you should be doing these steps (except step 1) from a PC attached to the wrt54g (e.g. PC-2 in my setup). Physically attaching a PC to the wrt54g is required only for this initial set up phase, because we need to login and set up the various options. Note that this doesn't require any changes to your main router's configuration, so it's quite safe with regard to not messing up your current networks' setup.

1. Download the "wrt54g alchemy firmware" (google this, or go here) version 6rc5 from the internet (it is the only one compatible with the new models wrt54g V2.2 & wrt54gs V1.1).
2. Upload the firmware to the wrt54g via the "Administration->Firmware Upgrade" option in the router's web interface.
3. Reset the device (press reset button until power led flashes - this could take 20 seconds or more). In the following steps, leave all settings which are not mentioned in the description at their default (only change the ones specifically mentioned in the step).

Note: We will use addresses that end in 128-255 for the wrt54g router and it's attached PCs. To make sure there is no overlap in the addresses assigned by the two routers, we have to make sure that your main router only assign addresses below 128 to its own clients. For example, if your main router address is, its DHCP address range could be - Another important note regarding the main router: some routers allow you to disable the broadcast of the SSID, but for this setup to work properly the SSID broadcast MUST BE ENABLED (which is usually the default behavior).

4a. In "Setup::Basic setup" screen, set Internet Connection Type to "Auotomatic Configuration - DHCP".
4b. Set the local IP to, assuming your main router is 192.168.0.x (in general, if your main router is a.b.c.d set the wrt54g to a.b.c.129).
4c. Set the Subnet Mask to
4d. Set the "Gateway" to the IP address of your main router (e.g.
4e. Set the DHCP Server to Enabled, and starting IP Address to something above 129 (e.g. 140).
4f. Save the settings on this page. You should reboot the attached PC, since the subnet mask has changed. Note: from now on you have to use the new local IP you set in step 4b (e.g. http:// to connect to the router from your PC.

5. In "Setup::Advanced Routing" screen, make sure operating mode is "Gateway".

6. In "Wireless::Basic Settings" screen, set Wireless mode to "Client", wireless network mode to "mixed", and SSID to your main wireless router's SSID.

7. In "Wireless::Security" screen, set yor WEP/WPA settings which match the main wireless router. You should now be connected to the main wireless router. Note: if you have MAC filtering set up on the main router (which allows only specific clients to connect), then obviously you have to add the client router to the list of allowed clients.
To verify that you've established a connection to the main router, you can check the "Status::Router" screen, which should show an IP Address assigned by the main router (which would end with a number below 128), and the "Status::Wireless" page should show the AP Signal strength together with the mac address of the main router. Also you should now be able to ping the main router and even log in to it (using h ttp:// from the PC attached to the client router (the wrt54g).

8. In "Security::Firewall" screen, disable firewall protection, as this subnet is already behind your main router's firewall. Also make sure that "Block Anonymous Internet Requests" is unchecked.

9. In "Administration::Management" screen, you can leave all settings at their default. You may want to enable remote management and Telnet or SSHD, especially if you want to be able to log in to the wrt54g from a computer which is not directly attached to it.

10. To enable PCs attached to the main router to be able connect to PCs attached to the wrt54g: Login into the wrt54g using telnel or ssh by running the command "telnet" and use same root/<passwd> as for the web interface. Then type this command (copy it exactly):

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/`route | grep default | awk '{print $NF}'`/proxy_arp

Now you should be able to ping/telnet to any PC attached to the wrt54g from any PC attached to the main router. Btw, this assumes that the subnet mask of the main router is the default

Important note about the last step : The last step (which is an optional step) allows PCs attached to the main router to be able to connect to PCs attached to the client router, by specyfing the IP of the destination PC, for example "telnet". But they are still on two different subnets which do not share their broadcast messages, therefore when browsing PCs on the local network you will not automatically see the PCs attached to the other router. But you can always connect to them by explicitly specyfing the IP. Btw, this step was added after the initial posting of this HOWTO and solves a lot of the issues people discussed later in this thread, so don't worry if you read posts in this thread about problems with communicating between PCs attached to different routers. Also note that this proxy_arp setting is not saved in the WRT54G non-volatile memory like all the other settings, so when the router is rebooted (like after a power outage), it will be cleared and you will need to repeat step 10 to set the proxy_arp back on.

Done !!! That's it !!!!

So in summary, you don't need two wrt54g routers, nor do you need WDS capable routers. A single wrt54g (with the right firmware) can operate as a "client" of any other wireless router, and create a bridge so any device connected to it will be able to access your network and the internet. The above works great for me, even with 3-4 PCs attached to the wrt54g (verified that it works).

8/16/2005 9:30:12 AM

All American
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Couldn't you have just used the WRT54G's innate ability to function as a wireless access point and plugged the wired connections into it, or does operating as an AP preclude the use of the wired ports?

8/16/2005 9:40:23 AM

All American
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yea, entire reason i needed to do it was cuz i needed the ports for stuff w/o wireless (like xbox), not just an AP

8/16/2005 1:48:59 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Bridge Wireless routers Page [1]  
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