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All American
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you will watch it and love it aside from the bad acting from j. simpson.

they should've got sheryl crow to play d.d.

6/2/2005 2:03:49 PM

All American
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No, I will watch it and love it BECAUSE OF the bad acting from J. Simpson.

6/2/2005 2:06:52 PM

All American
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daisy was such the smart sister in the tv show. replaced by a pop icon with beautiful boobies. i'm feeling better about this now.

6/2/2005 2:10:01 PM

All American
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No, I will watch it and love it BECAUSE OF the bad acting from J. Simpson

[Edited on June 2, 2005 at 2:11 PM. Reason : ...]

6/2/2005 2:10:03 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 2, 2005 at 2:12 PM. Reason : boobies. ]

6/2/2005 2:11:09 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 2, 2005 at 2:14 PM. Reason : ]

6/2/2005 2:12:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"they should've got sheryl crow to play d.d."

only Sheryl Crow is over 40 now.

6/2/2005 2:15:03 PM

All American
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^but still more classy than most other musicicons.

6/2/2005 2:18:47 PM

All American
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they could have at least made her wear a brown wig

6/2/2005 2:23:59 PM

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yeah cause knoxville and stifler are academy award winning actors themselves

let alone all the actors on the original tv series...boy luke and bo each got like 3 dozen emmy's apiece

6/2/2005 3:50:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I think its great that they took 3 of my least favorite celebrities and put them all in one movie, which coincidentally is a remake of one of my least favorite tv shows.

Keep it up Hollywood!

6/2/2005 4:11:07 PM

All American
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i doubt ill be seeing this

6/2/2005 4:17:30 PM

Thots and Prayers
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as dumb as she is, jessia simpson is ridiculously hot.

6/2/2005 4:23:11 PM

All American
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^^true. i even checked PBS for shows before ever switching over to TNN. the Dukes of Hazzard certainly was the last resort of all last resorts.

[Edited on June 2, 2005 at 5:16 PM. Reason : ,]

6/2/2005 5:11:45 PM

All American
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The President of the network came back from vacation with the intent to cancel the show when it was originally aired because he thought it was terrible and would flop, but when he saw that it was ridiculously popular, he couldn't do it.

6/3/2005 1:46:02 AM

All American
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this thread needs more pictures

6/3/2005 12:54:02 PM

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theres still not enough pictures

6/3/2005 1:45:05 PM

All American
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why is all that money on the ceiling?

6/3/2005 1:46:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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They wanted to waste more of the studio's money on something stupid, so they stapled a bunch of it to the ceiling.

6/3/2005 1:52:13 PM

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dunno, didnt even notice it but ive seen bars with lots and lots of 1 dollar bills on the walls and ceilings and people sign them or write or draw something on them and stick them up...i guess thats what they're going for...but i didnt notice it until now, i was too busy looking at, well you know

6/3/2005 1:54:22 PM

All American
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yea, seriously, how did you notice the money on the ceiling? unless you're...

6/3/2005 2:09:43 PM

All American
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for me its the first thing ya notice when you scroll down

6/3/2005 2:18:21 PM

All American
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the doors
on the
general lee
do not open

6/17/2005 10:37:43 PM

All American
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^i know. sad isn't it. it's almost like forced retirement when the dukes turn fifty.

6/17/2005 11:27:34 PM

All American
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she is so damn hot yet so damn stupid

6/17/2005 11:29:04 PM

All American
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when i saw someone getting into the car WITH OPEN DOORS
i was like


6/18/2005 12:18:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"as dumb as she is, jessia simpson is ridiculously hot."

unlike that white trash britney spears, who finally popped

6/18/2005 12:21:35 AM

All American
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Jessica is hot enough that I can forgive her lack of general knowledge about the world. That's probably not a wise thing to do, but oh well.

6/18/2005 12:41:23 AM

All American
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i think she's a fucking genius. anyone that can market their stupidity has certainly found a way to beat the system. that beautiful ass deserves much credit.

6/18/2005 12:51:05 AM

All American
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I've always been under the impression that she plays dumb for the cameras because she knows it's the quickest way to get free press, much like Dolly Parton, a business genius who plays bimbo on TV.

6/18/2005 12:53:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"“Order by Judge Gary A. Feess: granting motion for preliminary injunction. WHEREFORE, IS IT HEREBY ORDERED that … Warner Brothers … (is) preliminarily enjoined during the pendencey of this action from preparing producing, editing, distributing, advertising, exploiting, copying, publishing, or licensing, for theatrical sequels based on or derived from the feature motion picture “Moonrunners”"

yay injunction, i hope this thing never sees the light of day

6/26/2005 1:26:47 PM

All American
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wait wait wait

6/26/2005 2:15:31 PM

All American
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Grady and Bobby Lee (later to become Bo and Luke Duke) run moonshine for Uncle Jesse, who prides himself on his old-school moonshining methods, and refuses to buckle in to the 'big business moonshine' of Jake, who controls these parts for New York mobsters. Fast-paced and entertaining, as the boys continue to get their moonshine through. Some excellent car chase action, and while the chase scenes aren't on par with say "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry" and also aren't as numerous as I thought I remembered, still decent enough and forgivable since the film is just fun to begin with. Definitely a film to be seen!

with Waylon as "The Balladeer"

6/26/2005 3:00:56 PM

All American
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that decision was handed down on the 17th of june...i'm sure they will lawyer around it, but for the time being the public won't be subjected to yet another remake bastardization of something that was good and pure to start with

[Edited on June 27, 2005 at 12:11 AM. Reason : they had 10 days from then to shut down the propaganda machine]

6/27/2005 12:08:51 AM

All American
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the dukes was great originally
don't diss it plz

and i guess thats why they never put a release date on the trailers

6/27/2005 9:26:19 AM

All American
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apparently they cut a deal to pay robert c. clark $5 million - this atrocity is back on release for 2005

Quote :
"the dukes was great originally
don't diss it plz"


6/27/2005 11:36:08 AM

148898 Posts
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yep, 3 days later its back on

6/27/2005 12:14:01 PM

All American
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there was nothing i loved more as a 6 year old Woodfoot than to plop down and watch some Dukes of Hazzard

i still have a twin-bed sheet set around somewhere, i'm totally breaking out the pillowcase

i'm really looking forward to this...

6/27/2005 12:42:41 PM

39171 Posts
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i would fuck the shit out of jessica simpson in her new video

6/27/2005 1:35:15 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"there was nothing i loved more as a 6 year old Woodfoot"

hah gg. that made me lol...doesnt take much when im bored at work

6/27/2005 1:35:24 PM

All American
1969 Posts
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Quote :

there was nothing i loved more as a 6 year old Woodfoot than to plop down and watch some Dukes of Hazzard

i still have a twin-bed sheet set around somewhere, i'm totally breaking out the pillowcase

i'm really looking forward to this..."

that's PRECISELY why i don't want it to happen - there's no way they can do it justice no matter how good the movie is because of our original frame of reference - i think you may have totally misread my first post btw

6/27/2005 2:04:18 PM

All American
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So I was looking through the cast list trying to figure out who the Balladeer is in this one, and I found this:

Rip Taylor .... Himself

What the fuck is Rip Taylor doing in Hazzard?

6/27/2005 3:12:36 PM

All American
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i guess knoxville liked him after using him in Jackass

6/27/2005 3:14:09 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"'Dukes' TV star: Don't see the movie
Ben 'Cooter' Jones: 'They trashed our show'

Thursday, July 14, 2005; Posted: 8:20 a.m. EDT (12:20 GMT)
Manage Alerts | What Is This? ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A former star of the "The Dukes of Hazzard" TV show is urging fans to skip the forthcoming movie version, calling it "a sleazy insult."

Ben Jones, a former Georgia congressman who played the wisecracking mechanic Cooter on the popular series from 1979 to 1985, said profanity and sexual content in the film make a mockery of the family-friendly show.

"Basically, they trashed our show," said Jones, who read a script of the Warner Brothers movie, which is scheduled to be released next month. "It's one thing to do whatever movie they want to do, but to take a classic family show and do that is like taking 'I Love Lucy' and making her a crackhead or something."

On Wednesday, Jones wrote an open letter to fans on his Web site, urging them to stay away.

"From all I have seen and heard, the 'Dukes' movie is a sleazy insult to all of us who have cared about the 'Dukes of Hazzard' for so long," Jones wrote. "Unless they clean it up before the August fifth release date I would strongly recommend that true blue Dukes fans hold their noses and pass this one up."

A spokeswoman at Warner Brothers did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment on Wednesday.

"The Dukes of Hazzard" was a surprise hit for CBS, pitting "good-ol' boys" Bo and Luke Duke and their moonshine-running Uncle Jesse against the crooked politician Boss Hogg and his bumbling henchman, Sheriff Coltrane, in fictional Hazzard County.

Jones was elected to Congress in 1988 as a Democrat. He lost his bid for a third term in 1992 after his district was redrawn. He owns Cooter's Place, a "Dukes" memorabilia shop in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Warner Bros. is a division of Time Warner, as is CNN."

7/14/2005 8:31:26 AM

All American
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I don't give a shit how "hot" DD will be in this movie. Its going to really, really fucking suck. I'd never consider seeing it... but thats just me.

7/14/2005 8:54:10 AM

All American
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like i'm going to listen to a guy who ran for congress based on his experience as "Cooter"

7/14/2005 9:02:51 AM

All American
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...... I'm sorry, I would think his place on the show would have more sway than his political career.

7/14/2005 9:15:54 AM

All American
10141 Posts
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I'll see this in the $1.50 Blue Ridge

7/14/2005 9:29:13 AM

All American
14628 Posts
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Quote :
"is like taking 'I Love Lucy' and making her a crackhead or something.""

haha, i wouldn't mind seeing that

7/14/2005 9:59:37 AM

All American
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^^^^you'd think so

7/14/2005 10:04:52 AM

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