explains itself
3/27/2005 6:09:55 PM
i don't get it, what did he do?
3/27/2005 6:56:00 PM
well, he first broke a "fire herb" thread by using the < noscript> tag.I just came in behind him and made it look like he posted a wannabe goatse pic
3/27/2005 7:06:45 PM
well, he's right, herb haters suck.they should all go to UNC-CH instead so they can bandwagon with their gay ass buddies
3/27/2005 7:17:12 PM
still no reason to break a thread. If I went through and broke every thread I didn't agree w/, there wouldn't be much left on this site...
3/27/2005 7:24:59 PM
^good point
3/27/2005 7:28:23 PM
3/27/2005 7:32:08 PM
no need for a suspension just a polite:"Don't do it again, unless people are being idiotic bandwagoning herb haters"
3/27/2005 7:35:49 PM
fuck gunzz
3/27/2005 9:44:47 PM
HTML Abuse isn't very fair..he continues to do it...
4/4/2005 9:38:11 PM
prove it
4/4/2005 9:42:24 PM