Jokes » There was the guy who lost one eye to disease
There was the guy who lost one eye to disease, and not being able to afford a nice glass eye, had to settle for one made of oak.
Being very self-conscious, he avoided going out in public, until his doctor convinced him to attend a dinner and dance he was putting on for his patients.
The night of the dance, he avoided eye-contact with everyone, until he noticed a beautiful young girl sitting by herself in the corner who had a mal-formed foot. He approached her, and summoning all his courage, he introduced himself, and said "Would you like to dance?"
The young girl looked up with a huge smile and exclaimed "Would I...would I..."
To which he.....
Pointed at her foot and yelled "CLUB FOOT!...CLUB FOOT!"
submitted by Seotaji on Tuesday, August 5 at 1:28 PM